Check Cashing And EBT/Debit Card Policy


    1. We do not cash 2-party checks
    2. We do not cash out-of-state checks
    3. We do not cash Payroll checks over $600.00
    4. We do not cash money orders
    5. We do not cash insurance checks
    6. We do not cash income tax refunds
    7. We do not take counter/starter checks
    8. Checks may be written for up to $25.00 “maximum” over the amount of purchase
    9. We do not cash personal checks for cash without a $25.00 minimum purchase.
    10. A $5.00 check-cashing fee is applied all payroll checks.


    1. EBT/DEBIT cards must be present at time of purchase. Numbers written on paper will not be accepted. Cashier may ask for identification to verify card ownership. This is for the card owner’s protection.
    2. To ensure speedy and efficient service on our frontend, please know your card balance BEFORE making a purchase. If you have a balance inquiry, please call the toll-free number on the back of your card.
    3. EBT/DEBIT card owners wanting to withdraw cash may get up to $100 cash back without a charge. $40 Maximum Cash Back.